Community Development
Community and Rural Development
The Community Development Department staff assists local municipalities and county governments in identifying community needs, developing effective community development strategies, researching available funding opportunities, and implementing plans to address those needs.
Our community development staff is involved in such diverse activities as keeping the downtown areas of our communities thriving, working to preserve our historic buildings, securing grants for much needed infrastructure improvements, and assisting to improve our public facilities. Explore the pages in this section of our site to learn more about the vital activities of the SCTDD’s Community Development division.

Rural Planning Organization (RPO)
Federal law requires states to consult and coordinate with local officials in rural areas of the state. Tennessee formed Rural Planning Organizations (RPOs) statewide in 2005 to enhance state- and regional-level partnerships in the state’s rural areas for transportation planning purposes. Funding for transportation projects and programs are channeled through this planning process.
Through the Long Range Planning Division, the Regional Planning Office is responsible for the statewide coordination and oversight of the transportation planning process in Tennessee’s twelve RPO areas.
RPOs serve a similar function as Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) for the rural areas of the state. The purpose of an RPO is to involve local officials in multimodal transportation planning, through a structured process, to ensure quality, competence, and fairness in the transportation decision-making process. RPOs consider multimodal transportation needs on a local and regional basis, review long-term needs as well as short-term funding priorities, and make recommendations to TDOT.
RPOs assist TDOT with the following the duties:
- Develop, in cooperation with the TDOT, comprehensive transportation plans
- Provide a forum for public participation in the transportation planning process
- Develop and prioritize suggestions for projects that the organization believes should be included in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
- Provide transportation-related information to local governments and other interested organizations and persons
Tennessee’s RPOs are Center Hill, Dale Hollow, East Tennessee North, East Tennessee South, First Tennessee, Middle Tennessee, West Tennessee, Northwest Tennessee, South Central East, South Central West, Southeast Tennessee, and Southwest Tennessee.
RPO responsibilities are administered by an Executive Board and a Technical Committee. The Executive Board provides policy direction, and membership includes locally-elected officials and a state senator and state representative. The Technical Committee provides technical expertise and is comprised of professional planners and engineers from local governments and other transportation-related agencies.
Rural Planning Organization (RPO) / Infrastructure Support (TACIR)
The SCTDD assists local governments in identifying and applying for loans/grants to address public infrastructure needs. Funding opportunities usually include Small Cities Community Development Block Grants, Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Grants, U.S.D.A. Rural Development grants, and the State Revolving Loan Program.
As well, through a contract with the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, SCTDD prepares a listing of public infrastructure needs in the south central Tennessee region.
One of our most significant contributions to infrastructure improvement, however, is the administration of two Rural Planning Organizations (RPOs) that serve the Eastern (Bedford, Coffee, Franklin, Giles, Lincoln, Marshall, Moore) and Western (Hickman, Lawrence, Lewis, Perry, and Wayne) parts of the district. These RPOs enhance the professional and organizational development of rural transportation planners and others by providing information, peer networking and research initiatives. Regular meetings are held to disucss matters related to rural transportation planning and development.
For more infomration, please contact:
Lisa Cross
RPO/Infrastructure Dir.
Historic Preservation
Preserving the downtown areas of our small towns is one vital mission of the SCTDD. District personnel meet with local officials to assist in developing downtown revitalization plans, identifying funding opportunities, identifying technical assistance, and preparing grant proposals to make sure our public squares and town centers remain the bustling and vibrant focus of the municipalities across our area.
We maintain a historic preservationist on staff, and through a contract with the Tennessee Historical Commission, the SCTDD provides technical assistance with historic preservation projects, National Register of Historic Places nominations, and environmental reviews. Securing our heritage for future generations through the preservation of important architecture and historical sites is another important service of the SCTDD.
In addition, the SCTDD assists local governments in identifying and applying for funding for other community needs such as emergency operation centers, welcome centers, drainage, fire trucks, and the like. The SCTDD helps our communities to make them friendlier, more welcoming and safer.
For more information, please contact:
Andy Short
office: 1-931-379-2944
Solid Waste Program
The Solid Waste Act of 1991 directed that counties in Tennessee each develop a plan that addresses solid waste management. The Act mandated a 25 percent reduction of municipal solid waste that is deposited in local landfills.
The SCTDD contracts annually with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation’s Division of Community Services to provide planning assistance to county officials. Our staff assists county Solid Waste Directors, Solid Waste Advisory Boards, county elected officials and solid waste recyclers in implementing the approved 10-year county Solid Waste Management Plan.
Technical assistance is available through our solid waste planner in many areas related to solid waste, including the following:
- Designing, implementing, upgrading and maintenance of solid waste programs and facilities
- Evaluating various end-use and disposal options for waste tires
- Needs assessment evaluation for the county or region
- Promotion and preparation for a household hazardous waste collection event
- Various other issues such as siting and permitting convenience centers, starting recycling programs, providing minor technical assistance on landfill issues or by referring the official to others that have information relevant to the issue on which assistance is needed.
The District provides the research, preparation, submission and administration of grants related to solid waste. This service extends to tire recycling grants, used oil recycling grants, planning grants, recycling rebate grants, recycling equipment grants and various other solid waste related grants as they become available. Equipment grants can include many items including recycling trailers, recycling containers, brush chippers, leaf vacuums, bailers, bobcats, oil burner heating units, tow motors as well as other small items of equipment.
SCTDD Solid Waste Needs Assessment
For more information, contact:
Misti Baker
Special Projects/Solid Waste Coordinator
phone: 1-931-379-2904
fax: 1-931-379-2640
Department of Housing
The Housing Department assists local governments and local planning commissions in identifying and monitoring areas of declining housing stock that will potentially become areas of concern in the future. Homes in the SCTDD region suffer from roof failure, window drafts, foundation issues, deteriorating siding/trim, electrical issues and HVAC failures. It is the mission of the SCTDD Housing department to bring the quality of life up to safer and sanitary standards for the low income and disadvantaged.
The Housing Department administers grant funds that are awarded from Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to make homes safer in our area. We utilize the Emergency Repair Assistance Program and HOME grant funds to accomplish our goals. These programs are vital to our communities. The Housing Department serves 13 counties and 35 cities, Bedford, Coffee, Franklin, Giles, Hickman, Lawrence, Lewis, Lincoln, Marshall, Maury, Moore, Perry and Wayne. The grant assistance is available to all jurisdictions within our service area. The staff in the housing department actively meet with local officials and planning officials to help ensure that future planning efforts include plans for affordable and accessible housing.
As the State’s housing finance agency, the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) is a self-sufficient, independently funded, publicly accountable entity of the State of Tennessee. THDA’s mission is to ensure that every Tennessean has access to safe, sound, affordable housing opportunities. More information about THDA programs can be found online at:
For more information contact:
Tia Lockridge
Director of Housing
Now Accepting Public Comments on the 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan
March 18 – April 18, 2024
The Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA), on behalf of the State of Tennessee, is seeking comments on the 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan, which designates how the State will operate the CDBG, HOME, HTF, ESG, and HOPWA programs in the coming fiscal year. This document also serves as the application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for an estimated $60 million to carry out these housing and community development activities in Tennessee. The draft plan will be posted on from March 18 to April 18 for public review and comment, along with details for a public hearing on Monday, April 15, 2024. An overview in English and Spanish will also be available.
For questions and accommodation requests, please email
Now Accepting Public Comments on a Substantial Amendment for CDBG-CV Funding in the 2019 – 20 Annual Action Plan
October 16, 2023 – November 15, 2023
The Tennessee Economic and Community Development (ECD) Agency and the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA), on behalf of the State of Tennessee, are seeking comments on a proposed substantial amendment to the 2019 – 20 Annual Action Plan. The State of Tennessee previously received approximately $53 million in special funding for the Community Development Block Grant program to respond to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The proposed substantial amendment redistributes $15,587,000 of this funding from previous goals of business support and broadband access to a new goal of parks and outdoor space improvement and the existing goals of addressing food insecurity and childcare assistance. The draft amendment will be posted on from October 16 – November 15, 2023 for public review and comment, along with details for a public hearing on November 13, 2023. A summary of the amendment in English and Spanish will also be available.
For questions and accommodation requests, please email
Aceptando Ahora Comentarios del Público sobre el Plan de Acción Anual 2024-2025
18 de marzo – 18 de abril de 2024
La Agencia de Desarrollo de Vivienda de Tennessee (THDA), en nombre del Estado de Tennessee, está buscando comentarios sobre el Plan de Acción Anual 2024-2025, que designa cómo el Estado operará los programas CDBG, HOME, HTF, ESG, y HOPWA en el próximo año fiscal. Este documento también sirve como la solicitud al Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de Estados Unidos (HUD) para un estimado de $60 millones para llevar a cabo estas actividades de vivienda y desarrollo comunitario en Tennessee. El borrador del plan se publicará en del 18 de marzo al 18 de abril para que el público pueda revisarlo y hacer comentarios, junto con los detalles para una audiencia pública el 15 de abril de 2024. Un resumen en inglés y español también estará disponible.
Para preguntas y solicitudes de adaptación, envíe un correo electrónico a
Ahora aceptamos comentarios del público sobre una enmienda sustancial de los fondos CDBG-CV en el Plan de Acción Anual 2019-20
16 de octubre de 2023 – 15 de noviembre de 2023
La Agencia de Desarrollo Económico y Comunitario de Tennessee (ECD) y la Agencia de Desarrollo de Vivienda de Tennessee (THDA), en nombre del Estado de Tennessee, solicitan comentarios sobre una enmienda sustancial propuesta al Plan de Acción Anual 2019-20. El Estado de Tennessee recibió anteriormente aproximadamente $53 millones en fondos especiales para el programa de Subsidio en Bloque para Desarrollo Comunitario en respuesta a los impactos de la pandemia de COVID-19. La enmienda sustancial propuesta redistribuye $15,587,000 de estos fondos de los objetivos anteriores de apoyo a las empresas y acceso a banda ancha a un nuevo objetivo de mejora de parques y espacios exteriores y los objetivos existentes de resolución de la inseguridad alimentaria y asistencia para cuidados infantiles. El borrador de la enmienda se publicará en del 16 de octubre al 15 de noviembre de 2023 para la evaluación y los comentarios del público, junto con los detalles de una audiencia pública que tendrá lugar el 13 de noviembre de 2023. También se encontrará disponible un resumen de la enmienda en inglés y español.
Por cualquier pregunta y solicitud de adaptación, escriba a
THDA’s Great Choice Loan Program offers 30-year, fixed rate mortgages and down payment assistance to eligible first-time, repeat and military homebuyers. Borrowers must meet certain requirements and conditions, including credit history, income limits and cost of home. is Tennessee’s free housing locator. It is free for landlords to list housing, and free for tenants to search for housing. Affordable (income based and properties) and market rate properties, including those that accept Housing Choice Vouchers, may be found on the site. The service is ADA Title II 508 compliant; works with assistive technology; uses Google to translate content into almost 100 languages. For those needing additional listing or search assistance, a toll-free, bilingual call center is available
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the Single Family Help Desk at 1-615-815-2100, or
The Community Programs Division administers a variety of housing programs supported through federal, and state THDA funding. The Division awards grants to local governments and non-profit agencies to meet the housing needs of low income Tennesseans.
The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) or “Section 8 Voucher” program is a federal rental assistance program funded through HUD where very low-income families, the elderly and the disabled receive assistance to afford decent, safe and sanitary housing in the private market. As a state housing agency, THDA administers the Housing Choice Voucher program in 72 Tennessee counties, between 4 regional offices.
For more information, please contact Rental Housing Programs at 615-815-2164
The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit is a credit against federal income tax liability each year for 10 years for owners and investors in the development of low-income rental housing. The amount of tax credits is based on reasonable costs of development, as determined by THDA, and the number of qualified low-income units.
For statewide and county-based information about housing and housing affordability, the THDA Research and Planning Division has multiple resources to gain insight into the state’s housing market.
Community Development Helpful Links
The South Central Tennessee Community Development staff provide links to common services and information available for your connivence.
- Appalachian Regional Commission
- AT&T
- Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
- Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development
- Tennessee Department of Transportation
- Tennessee Division of Recreation
- Tennessee Historical Commission
- Tennessee Housing Development Agency
- U.S.D.A. Rural Development