Civil Rights

Title VI

It is the policy of the South Central TN Development District, as a grant recipient of the Tennessee Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration, to ensure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; 49 CFR, Part 21; related statutes and regulations to that end that no person shall be excluded from participation in or be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, under any program or activity receiving financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Transportation.


Level 1: SCTDD Agency Title VI Coordinator
Executive Assistant: Kayla Eubanks
101 Sam Watkins Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, TN 38474
(931) 379-2929
If not resolved, go to Level 2.

Level 2: SCTDD Interim Executive Director
Richard Stewart
101 Sam Watkins Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, TN 38474
(931) 379-2929
If not resolved, to Level 3.

Level 3: SCTDD Board of Directors
Chairman: Jonah Keltner
County Mayor
Lewis County Courthouse
110 North Park Street, Room 108
Hohenwald, TN 38462
(931) 796-3378

If not resolved, go to Level 4.

Level 4: State of Tennessee Department of Transportation
Civil Rights Title VI/ADA Program Monitor
Attn: Cynthia Howard
505 Deaderick Street
James K. Polk Building, 12th Floor
Nashville, TN 37243
(615) 741-3681

  • All levels will be handled the same.
  • The complainant will be contacted by phone within 3 days of the complaint.
  • The complainant should be informed that they have the right to have a witness or representative present during the interview.
  • The board presiding over the Level at which the complaint was received will review and submit the final report to the Level above them.
  • If corrective action is recommended the alleged discriminatory contractor will be given 30 days to inform the Title VI officer of the actions taken.
  • The complainant has the right to appeal all written reports to SCTDD and TDOT.
  • The appeal must be made in writing within (14) days of the receipt of the final report.
  • Anyone suspecting the existence of discriminatory practices by this agency should take the following steps in the order listed. Contact should be made in writing, by telephone, or in person.  The complaint should be made within thirty days from the date of the suspected discriminatory practice however, can be made within 180 days of the complaint.  All complaints/grievances will be acknowledged and investigated with results reported to the complainant.  All complaints should be copied and faxed to SCTDD and the Tennessee Department of Transportation Title VI Program Director.
  • The SCTDD final investigative report and a copy of the complaint will be forwarded to the appropriate State and Federal Agency and affected parties within 60 calendar days of the acceptance of the complaint.


Nivel 1: SCTDD Agency Title VI / ADA Coordinator
SCTDD Executive Assistant: Kayla Eubanks
101 Sam Watkins Blvd., el monte. Agradable, TN 38474
(931) 379-2929
Si no se resuelve, vaya al Nivel 2.

Nivel 2: Director Ejecutivo de SCTDD
Jerry Mansfield
101 Sam Watkins Blvd., el monte. Agradable, TN 38474
(931) 379-2929
Si no se resuelve, al Nivel 3.

Nivel 3 : Junta Directiva SCTDD
Presidente: Jim Mangubat
Alcalde del condado
Palacio de justicia de Wayne Co
100 Court Circle, Suite #300
Waynesboro, TN 38485
(931) 722-3653
Si no se resuelve, ve al Nivel 4

Nivel 4: Departamento de Transporte del Estado de Tennessee
Monitor de Programa de Derechos Civiles Título VI / ADA
A la atención de: Cynthia Howard
505 Deaderick Street
James K. Polk Building , 12 º piso
Nashville, TN 37243
(615) 741-3681

• Todos los niveles se manejaránigual.
• El demandanteserácontactado por teléfono dentro de los 3 díasposteriores a la queja.
• Se debe informar al demandante que tiene derecho a tener un testigo o representantepresentedurante la entrevista.
• La junta que preside el Nivel en el que se recibió la quejarevisará y presentará el informe final al Nivel superior.
• Si se recomiendanmedidascorrectivas, el presuntocontratistadiscriminatoriotendrá 30 días para informar al funcionario del Título VI sobre las medidastomadas.
• El demandantetiene derecho aapelartodos los informesescritos a SCTDD y TDOT.
• La apelación debe hacerse por escrito dentro de los (14) díasposteriores a la recepción del informe final.
• Cualquier persona que sospeche la existencia de prácticasdiscriminatorias por parte de estaagencia debe seguir los siguientespasosen el ordenindicado. El contacto debe hacerse por escrito, por teléfono o en persona. La queja debe hacerse dentro de los treintadías a partir de la fecha de la prácticadiscriminatoriasupuesta, sin embargo, puedehacerse dentro de los 180 días de la queja. Todas las quejas / quejasseránreconocidas e investigadas con los resultadosinformados al demandante. Todas las quejasdebencopiarse y enviarse por fax a SCTDD y al Director del ProgramaTítulo VI del Departamento de Transporte de Tennessee. 3/202

•  El informe final de investigación de SCTDD y una copia de la denuncia se enviarán a la Agencia Estatal y Federal correspondiente ya las partes afectadas dentro de los 60 días calendario posteriores a la aceptación de la denuncia.

ADA and Disabilities

SCTDD is committed to providing equal access and opportunity to qualified individuals with disabilities in all programs, services, and activities. In some cases, individuals with disabilities may need reasonable modifications to policies and procedures to ensure access to transit services. SCTDD will provide reasonable modifications, as necessary, to afford equal access to programs for persons with disabilities. SCTDD will take appropriate steps to ensure that persons with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate.

To request a reasonable modification to an existing SCTDD service or policy, individuals should contact:

Phone: 931-379-2929
Fax: 931-379-3026
TYY #: 800-848-0298

or send postal mail to:

  • ADA Compliance Request
  • 101 Sam Watkins Blvd
  • Mount Pleasant, TN 38474

Please contact Kayla Eubanks through the above methods to discuss your requirements.

Any person who believes she or he has been discriminated against under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) including but not limited to obtaining a reasonable modification may file a complaint by contacting Kayla Eubanks whose contact information is listed above.

Copies of this document are available in alternative formats upon request.

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